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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Kate's Story

Warning: This is a long one!
  My purpose for this post wasn’t to focus purely on the physical happenings of Kate’s birth, but on how I felt and the emotions tied to that important day (i.e. I didn’t go into awkward details or gory stuff, so have no fear!) and although this is ultimately for me and Adam to document this amazing transition in our lives, I hope you enjoy it too!
I want to put Kate's birth story in writing before I start to lose the memories and details of the day she was born. I can't believe it's been over 5 months since she arrived. Her birth turned out to be such an amazing, beautiful and yet intensely trying time for me. I want to  put down in words just how monumental those hours and minutes before and after Kate made her grand entrance into this world were.

They changed me. They sculpted me. They have set the tone for who I am now as a mother and who I will become in the future.

I'm not the type who dreamt of becoming a mother since she was a tiny girl. However, I was the type of person who, for reasons I didn't know then, but I'm beginning to understand now, wanted to experience childbirth. I wanted to be part of the "club", exchange that knowing glance with women who have also carried and given birth to a child. It was a bucket list experience I've checked off...and look forward to doing again someday, God willing.

Last known picture of me pregnant...37 weeks, 10 days before our little sprout was born

The day before Kate was born, a Saturday, started like most weekends while I was in the last stages of pregnancy. I went on a mad cleaning streak before collapsing, exhausted and worn out, in the afternoon. Around 5:30pm I was sitting on my couch watching one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption, for the 1,000th time. It was the part when Andy DuFrain says, "I understand you're a man who knows how to get things" when my water broke. I don't feel there is any need to go into details about it here, but there was absolutely no question in my mind that is what happened. Fortunately, Adam had called and told me he was on his way home after coaching volleyball for 10+ hours.

Within 5 minutes Adam was home. As he wearily climbed the stairs he moaned, "I need a beer" to which I responded, "my water broke". At this point, I started to get scared and asked Adam a couple times if we could just stay home for a while and see what happens. I thought I was ready, but really I still had 10 days until this baby was supposed to arrive and even then I had spent most of my pregnancy prepping myself to go another 7+ days after our September 26th due date, after all that's what the majority of my girlfriends experienced! Adam, however, had kicked into high gear. He knew that we needed to get our stuff together and head to the hospital so they could monitor me. I wasn't having contractions (that I could feel) yet, but now that my water had broken, Kate and I were both susceptible to issues if she wasn't born relatively soon.

The gear

So, off to the hospital we went. It was the only time until after Kate was born that I cried. I was just scared. Scared about the pain that was sure to come, but also scared about the prospect of everything I knew changing forever. I was scared about becoming a mother.

The hours after we were admitted were somewhat of a blur. At that point it was the middle of the night and we were both pretty tired. My parents showed up sometime before midnight and popped in to say hello before going to our house to sleep. I had been texting people on and off since we were admitted. Despite all of this I felt very alone, but not in a bad way. I felt gathered...collected. I took that time to wrap my head around what was happening and focus on what I needed to do over the next 24 hours to welcome my daughter safely and happily into this world.

Texting with my 'peeps'

Adam and I tried to sleep, but I wasn't able to catch more than 2 hours on and off all night. I had two monitors strapped to my huge, perfectly round stomach, so they kept slipping every time I moved. I also had been hooked into a Pitocin drip sometime after midnight when they realized I wasn't progressing fast enough. The Pitocin helped speed up the labor, but I was very disappointed that I now had a medication in my system. I had taken 10 weeks of Bradley Method classes to prepare me to go without unnecessary medicine during labor and delivery. I really wanted to be med-free and not chained to an IV pole as I labored, but I was also flexible and understood why I needed it, this was necessary. They had let me labor on my own for more than 5 hours to see how far I progressed and it just wasn't enough. My labor nurse, Tracey, was awesome. She had 2 of her 3 kids without an epidural, but with Pitocin, so she knew the challenges I would be facing and guided them through me with tough love and encouragement.

The pain of contractions actually surprised me. I feel like early labor is a lot like distance running (and I just might know a little thing about running). It's 10% physical 90% mental. The pain, for me, wasn't intense at all, but it wore me down, dealing with a semi-strong contraction every 2 or 3 minutes, hour after hour. By sunrise I had been at it for over 12 hours and according to the OB on rotation at the time, I had about another 6 hours before they would start to consider a C-section.

Around 9 in the morning the pain became very intense. I had hemmed and hawed about getting an epidural prior to that moment (I true sign that I didn't really need my opinion) but at this point, I had Adam by the arm demanding him to get the anesthesiologist NOW! I'll never forget what Adam said after that - "I think you are in transition." I just had to laugh. It turns out he HAD been listening in the birth classes after all. He grabbed our nurse who confirmed that I was 9.5 cm...Almost 10. It took another 2 hours before I was ready to push, but knowing I was so close made the choice not to get an epidural easier....but, those were the longest 2 hours of my life.

Then it was time to push and push I did for 2 more hours. I made great progress and actually started to fall asleep between pushes. I had basically been up for 27 hours now and I was beat. We had passed the magic 18 hour mark from when the OB wanted Kate out, but I was so so close she let me keep going rather than resort to a C-section...for that I am eternally grateful. The entire time Adam stood by my side, helping me count. He held my hand, held my leg...gave me strength and reassurance and encouragement the whole time. He told me, "You're doing it! You're doing great!" so many times. It was the best display of love I've ever received from him.

Finally, at 1:01pm on Sunday September 16th, 19 hours after my water broke, Katherine Quinn entered the world. She came out with a raspy, angry cry. The best sound a momma can hear. They cleaned her and weighed her - 8lbs 6oz! She was a big girl for being 10 days early! She had a head full of dark hair and she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

Unfortunately, shortly after she was born I started losing way more blood than the OB and nurses were comfortable with. I was suffering from postpartum hemorrhaging. Something common, apparently, for redheads to experience. Well, the steps that were taken to make that bleeding stop made labor and delivery without pain medicine a joke. It was bad. Very bad. Adam took Kate out of the room for most of it because I could not handle the pain I was experiencing. Luckily, they were able to stop the bleeding and patch me up so I could get Kate back into my arms, but it was certainly scary and excruciatingly painful for a while.

(this one is super grainy for some reason...)

In the end, though it didn't matter, none of the scary parts even factor in to how amazing her birth was. We did it. We made it safely to the other side of pregnancy...and most importantly we made it peacefully and joyfully together as a little family.

We had to battle a little jaundice in the hospital with the 'glow blanket'

That night I barely slept at all. I lay in bed, in the darkness of our room while Adam slept on the couch and just stared at our baby while I held her. My little miracle. I read a quote in a book recently that perfectly sums up my birth experience, it reads, "It was as though having a baby made all the fairy tales come true for her, as though she were a painter who discovered a color all new to the world." Nothing was closer to the truth than that quote in those moments shortly after I had Kate. It was the most beautiful experience of my life and continues to be every day since…

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: 5 Months

I have a 5-month-old daughter. That just sounds crazy to me. It's not a tiny little baby anymore and definitely not a newborn....but a standard issue infant. Time sure is flying by.

Kate Likes:
grasping at toys...and anything she can lunge at before we stop her
Wheels on the Bus song
Chicca Chicca Boom Boom book
holding her own bottle (although she can't keep it up quite yet)
Rolling from back to tummy

Kate Does Not Like:
spinning toys on her Exersaucer that won't come off when she tugs on them
Strangers, or unfamiliar people...this one is making me sad!
Putting her sleep sack on. She knows it's bedtime
The result of not being able to move once she has rolled from back to tummy

Love you Katerbug!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ramblings on Being a Working Mom

I, and I alone made the choice to be a working mom.

Alright, that's a husband helped me a lot with the decision. Honestly, this is a decision I made long before I even laid eyes on my daughter, long before she was even a reality. I've always just known I would be a working mom. This decision was not an easy one to come to once little Katerbug actually arrived. The choice to work is based in part on the fact that while we have a solid combined income between our jobs, it's not great. We could pull it off...we know people that do pull it off with less and do it very well. But, to be honest the money factor is only a small portion of the choice. I love what I do. I've dreamed of working in the environmental field, and working in a big city, before I ever dreamed of becoming a mother.

I used to imagine a day, when I was all grown up and part of my job would include waking up and taking a glamorous (ha!!) train ride downtown to a skyscraper..I'd be all dressed up in a skirt and heels calling the shots and saving the Earth. The rest of the time I'd be in full out field gear, tromping around in streams and fields making keen observations about the natural world around me...diligently taking notes in my field book. You know what? I did it. I worked my butt off for my education and I'm really, very proud of my degree and my university (Boiler Up!). I worked my butt off again after college and landed the job I always pictured having in my mind. It's really a dream realized which, in my experience, doesn't happen on the regular. At least not the big dreams.

That's not to say we didn't give having me stay home some real consideration. We did give the alternative a bit of thought, when I was on maternity leave. Lots of time was spent weighing the pros and cons of having me quit my job to stay home full time and raise our daughter, but in the end I went back to work.

So, my overriding philosophy on being a working mom has been this:
Appreciate the life you've worked so hard for. You made this choice, so there will be no bad feelings tied to it, dragging you down. Make the time you have with Kate and the husband count. Don't worry about Kate when you are at work (I struggle with this) and don't worry about work when you are at home. Most importantly, live in the moment, don't live in an imaginary alternative world that you think would be so much better than this one. Embrace it...this is your life.

But there are moments...oh man, are there moments.

This morning was a tough one. Coming off of a nice, long 3-day weekend where I spent copious amounts of family time with the husband and Kate was rough. Going back to work was the very, very last thing I want to do. There were a thousand excuses why I should stay home but, we packed up and headed out anyway. And, even though I was playing my "working mom mantra" over and over in my head, trying to stay positive, trying to "embrace the choice"..MY choice to go to work today...that little face almost killed me. That perfect gummy grin that I love to smile back to everyday.

It's alright. I know that little smile will be there for me in just a few short hours.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Can you feel the 

Here are some lovely 'love' quotes I found scouring around on the interwebz this morning...I'm a sucker for a moving quote and I felt that these do justice to the love I'm feeling today!

I can't wait for the husband and baby Kate to come home tonight so we can celebrate Valentine's Day together as a family for the first time!  We've never been the types to go over the top for this holiday, instead we focus on the feeling of gratitude to have such amazing love in our lives (okay, and sometimes an amazing dinner at my all-time favorite tapas restaurant, but that's it!)...I'm just thrilled to be celebrating with my daughter this year.

We don't have any grand plans - just a simple home cooked steak dinner for mommy and daddy and some V-day books for Kate to open.

I can't wait to read these to her tonight!
...and now for some cuteness (if I do say so myself)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Music Monday: Quite, Cloudy, Cozy

This time of year always draws me to the sad, acoustic music I lovingly refer to as "maudlin-rock" (that and gangsta' rap, but I'll leave that for another post). On quite, cozy days in the midst of winter I like to put on some music and slow dance and sing to the babe. You know who's a great artist for that? Gregory Alan Isakov:

this house
she’s quite the talker
she creeks and moans
she keeps me up

It makes me want to grab a blanket, a good book and spend a lazy afternoon with my husband and baby tucked away in our house, away from the rat race of life :) It makes this working mama's heart ache to be with her child again.

Friday, February 8, 2013

All you need is....

The one thing I was really looking forward to once we started having babies was celebrating, and especially decorating for, the holidays. I love marking the passing of the year by taking time to recognize the next approaching holiday. I love the anticipation waiting for the day to come and reflecting on it's meaning...whatever the holiday may be. I was somewhat overwhelmed with being a new mommy to Kate this last fall, so I felt like the "big 3" or Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas sort of flew by without a ton of special attention. I was just trying to keep my head above water, not focused on hanging garland (although we managed to do some killer outdoor lighting)! 

Now that things have calmed a bit and we are in full swing with our routine, I was able to put up some (modest) Valentines Day decor. As you may, or may not know, the 4th of July happens to be my all time favorite holiday, and my wedding anniversary, but Valentines Day is starting to get a toe hold in there as being one of my top picks as well. I'm not really crafty, but I thought a few little touches here and there would really get us in the spirit of l-o-v-e. It's amazing what a few bucks spent at Target and some imagination will get you!

I also started a new tradition of putting quick little love letters in mini mailboxes for Kate and the husband every morning the week leading up to Valentines Day. It's been a fun, cheap, and easy way to let my little family know how much I love them...and I really really love them :)

So, here's to love...and family...and mushiness. To quote Harry Goldenblatt, "I'm a big pile of love today."


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Beach Baby

Baby Girl,
Your feet touched the ocean before you ever saw a flake of snow fall from the sky. That's a pretty big deal to mom and dad who are beach bums at heart.

Love you.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Birth of a baby...and a blog

Ok, technically it's a rebirth of a blog. This is the third, and hopefully final attempt at starting and maintaining this site. My main motivation for sticking around this time? I hope to use this blog as a tool to document the big, and not so big, changes in my daughter's life. I want this blog to act a time capsule to help me remember all the big milestones and little moments. So guess what? It's another mommy-blog! I, of course, will try to sprinkle in some posts of varying topics as well, but I can't make any concrete promises - I just love my little girl :)

Baby Kate @ 4 1/2 months old

Our daughter, Katherine Quinn, made her entrance on September 16, 2012 and has been our little shining star from day one. After the world's easiest pregnancy and a wonderful, yet slightly scary labor and delivery, I was concerned that the world would be handing out karma 10 fold and grace us with a difficult child.

Look how glowy and happy I was when I was preggo....I miss it!

This has not been the case. Kate's easy going and adaptable. She loves being part of the action and falls asleep easily in the din of constant conversation in a crowded room. Kate is observant, and absorbs everything happening around her. She's easy with a smile. She's truly the center of everything Husband and I do and we can't imagine our life without her in it. I hope this blog does justice to just how much she means to us!

Our family

So without further ado...Little Sprout is now officially re-opened!!