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Monday, February 4, 2013

Birth of a baby...and a blog

Ok, technically it's a rebirth of a blog. This is the third, and hopefully final attempt at starting and maintaining this site. My main motivation for sticking around this time? I hope to use this blog as a tool to document the big, and not so big, changes in my daughter's life. I want this blog to act a time capsule to help me remember all the big milestones and little moments. So guess what? It's another mommy-blog! I, of course, will try to sprinkle in some posts of varying topics as well, but I can't make any concrete promises - I just love my little girl :)

Baby Kate @ 4 1/2 months old

Our daughter, Katherine Quinn, made her entrance on September 16, 2012 and has been our little shining star from day one. After the world's easiest pregnancy and a wonderful, yet slightly scary labor and delivery, I was concerned that the world would be handing out karma 10 fold and grace us with a difficult child.

Look how glowy and happy I was when I was preggo....I miss it!

This has not been the case. Kate's easy going and adaptable. She loves being part of the action and falls asleep easily in the din of constant conversation in a crowded room. Kate is observant, and absorbs everything happening around her. She's easy with a smile. She's truly the center of everything Husband and I do and we can't imagine our life without her in it. I hope this blog does justice to just how much she means to us!

Our family

So without further ado...Little Sprout is now officially re-opened!!


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