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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Can you feel the 

Here are some lovely 'love' quotes I found scouring around on the interwebz this morning...I'm a sucker for a moving quote and I felt that these do justice to the love I'm feeling today!

I can't wait for the husband and baby Kate to come home tonight so we can celebrate Valentine's Day together as a family for the first time!  We've never been the types to go over the top for this holiday, instead we focus on the feeling of gratitude to have such amazing love in our lives (okay, and sometimes an amazing dinner at my all-time favorite tapas restaurant, but that's it!)...I'm just thrilled to be celebrating with my daughter this year.

We don't have any grand plans - just a simple home cooked steak dinner for mommy and daddy and some V-day books for Kate to open.

I can't wait to read these to her tonight!
...and now for some cuteness (if I do say so myself)


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